Efficient Oil Mist Separators & Emulsion Mist Extraction by Schuh Anlagentechnik
Discover premium solutions for emulsion and oil mist extraction at Schuh Anlagentechnik.
Current Project: ANDRITZ Metals chooses Schuh Anlagentechnik for Talum, Slovenia. Learn more
about our separation technology!
Hemer – April 2023
In cooperation with ANDRITZ Metals and Talum, ANDRITZ Metals has selected Schuh
Anlagentechnik as a technology partner for oil mist extraction in the cold rolling mill and emulsion
mist extraction in the hot rolling mill.
The Schuh Anlagentechnik advanced oil mist and emulsion mist separators feature filter media
that can be regenerated. The priciple of separation is based on the effect, that particels cannot follow the
streamline of the gas and at the impinge of an obstacle and, consequently, stick to a boundary
surface. The combination of these single effects of separation by inertia, the rectifying effect and
diffusion enables a largely separation of the drops and air.
For the hot rolling mill with surface temperatures of up to 550°C, emulsion mist is captured by
suction hoods, routed through a piping system into the Schuh emulsion mist separator, and then
exhausted through a radial fan into the exhaust stack.
In the cold rolling mill there are temperatures up to 60°C and the separation of oil mist and
transport air occurs in the KK series oil mist separator.
The scope of the project includes planning, delivery, assembly, and commissioning. Completion is
scheduled for the first quarter of 2024.
Rely on Schuh Anlagentechnik for clean work environments and sustainable extraction solutions.
Talum is a Slovenian manufacturer of primary aluminum and aluminum alloys, producing over
110,000 tons of aluminum products annually as a modern production company and ranking among
the top 10 exporters in Slovenia.
ANDRITZ Metals, part of the Schuler Group, is one of the world's leading providers of
technologies, systems, and digital solutions in forming technology. The product portfolio includes
automation and software solutions, process expertise, and service offerings. In the Metals
Processing segment, the business area offers innovative, sustainable, and market-leading
solutions for the manufacturing and processing of flat products, welding systems, and industrial
furnace plants with proprietary burner systems, as well as service offerings for the metal
processing industry.